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The Fallen Page 3

  “Thirsty?” He smirked.

  “Yeah sort of.” She fixed her long pony tail as she spun for the door. “So, um thanks for that.” She said as she put her hand on the handle.

  “Leaving so soon?” He wasn’t ready for her to leave yet.

  “Yeah that’s how this works, right?” She said quickly.

  “Yeah, I guess so. He said with confusion.

  “Alright, well. Later.” She opened the door now and quickly left as he stood there confused and a bit annoyed. She had just walked out on him? He got to the door and opened it as she walked. “Seriously, your just going to leave?” He called out.

  “Yep, sorry. Busy, got things to do.” She refused to look at him as she kept walking. She refused to put herself in that uncomfortable situation again. So, what if they just used each other for sex because that’s all it was and all it would ever be.

  Aidan watched her leave and he couldn’t help but be bummed out. It’s not like he was looking for a relationship with her. He didn’t do those things, neither did she. That’s why she was so safe to him. They both knew what they wanted and that was that but then why did he feel like shit as he watched her walk away? He didn’t know, it was an odd feeling and one he wasn’t used to feeling.

  Natalie got to her apartment and she was proud of herself for having the strength to not get wrapped up in his crazy life. She had left and took control of the situation. This is who she was but then why did she feel like shit? She looked in her bathroom mirror at the fading bite marks on her neck. She touched them, and she could still feel his fangs in her flesh. She shook the images out of her head. She didn’t like the supernatural. Her life was surrounded by her need to weed out the evil not get involved with it.

  She quickly jumped in the shower and tried to wash the touch of Aidan off of her body.

  Natalie found herself sitting on her couch as her mind roamed. Why did she even care what Aidan was doing? He would be gone soon enough, he never stayed around long. This felt like a repeat of last time but at least she was the one in control this time. The sound of loud knocking on her door made her jump as she looked at her watch. It was nearly midnight. She quickly got up from the couch and headed to the door. The only one who ever showed up like this would be her brother Sam. When she opened the door, she was surprised to see Eve Standing there.

  “Thank god you’re here.” She said with a crazy look on her face as she walked into the apartment. “Please tell me you have heard from Sam.” She said with concern.

  “I’m sorry what? It’s midnight, what the hell is going on? Where’s Sam?” She asked with confusion.

  “He’s gone Nat, no one has heard from him since early this morning.” Eve said with concern and Natalie felt her heart race. She quickly got to the door. She was going to see her Uncle and get to the bottom of this.

  “Come with me, I’m going to see my Uncle and see what the hell is going on!” Natalie snapped.

  They got to her Uncles apartment in record time. Natalie couldn’t help but look over at Aidan’s door. He lived next door to her Uncle. She banged on the door like a lunatic until the light came on, but it wasn’t just his apartment light. Aidan’s came on too, but her Uncle opened his door first.

  “What the hell is going on, where is my brother!” She snapped angrily!

  “Natalie? What’s going on? It’s midnight.” He said as he rubbed his eyes.

  “Why don’t you tell me what is going on. Where is Sam, is he really missing?” She raised her voice as he looked at her a bit in shock. “Where is he!”

  “He’s on a case.” He said quickly.

  “A case? Are you kidding me? Where is he!” She snapped. She hated that Sam was getting involved in this supernatural business. He was too young for all of this. He was too naïve.

  “Listen we can do this in the morning Natalie.” He began, and she shook her head.

  “No, we do this now. Where is my brother!” She snapped as her voice shook.

  “Let’s do this inside ok. We don’t need everyone and their mother listening in on this.” He said with a shake of his head as Natalie and Eve walked into his office and he closed the door. “I need a drink.” He said as he walked into the kitchen.

  “What case was he working on.” Natalie grabbed her phone and began to dial his number, it went straight to voicemail. She felt sick as she stood there. He couldn’t be missing. Sam was all she had left!

  “He found information regarding your parents. I told him it was a bad idea. I told him that it was too risky.” He continued as he shook his head. “He isn’t alone though, James went with him.” He added as he grabbed a cup of coffee. Natalie wanted to throw the coffee at him. Her Uncle may have saved her and Sam from a life in the system, but he hadn’t been the best role model when it came to the supernatural world. Her Uncle’s life had been consumed with going after rogues and granted Natalie was on board for that, but Sam was too young for this. He wasn’t responsible enough to be on a case and with James of all people! Natalie felt sick as she stood there.

  “No. No. Absolutely no. This is not happening!” She yelled in fear now as her uncle looked at her. It was hard for her not to show her emotion. “How did you let this happen, he is only a kid for god sake!” Sam had just turned twenty. He didn’t need to be on any cases, he should be at home like any other twenty-year old. “We have to find him, you need to tell me everything that you know!” She snapped at him as he looked at her.

  “The case is confidential.” Her Uncle said as her eyes got wide with shock.

  “Are you kidding me? Confidential? My brother is missing!” She yelled.

  “He is not missing ok. He is working undercover ok.” He said as she gasped.

  “My god have you lost your god damn mind! Undercover? I can’t believe this.” Natalie began to pace.

  “You don’t give Sam enough credit. He is smart and strong willed.” He said as she turned and faced him.

  “Since the day you took us in you were preparing us like your own personal god damn soldiers!” She yelled. “You should have just left us at the police station that night!

  “Natalie.” Her Uncle said softly, and she refused to look at him.

  “We need to find him.” Natalie said towards Eve.

  “Absolutely.” Eve said as Natalie’s Uncle Joe cut her off.

  “No. You both do not get to make the rules!” He snapped at them and then looked at Natalie. “Now I will let that little comment slip because you are worried, but don’t you dare think that I brought you and Sam in to use you for my own personal gain! I lost my brother that day and your mother. You are not the only one hurting!” He snapped at her.

  Natalie stood there and without another word she spun from him as got to the door. She was beyond pissed.

  “Natalie do not interfere and that is an order!” He snapped at her, but she left without saying anything.

  “Nat you heard what he said. We cant interfere.” Eve said as Natalie looked at her.

  “Like that has ever stopped me before.” She said as they walked past Aidan’s door and he opened it as Natalie looked at him quick.

  “Oh wow, I forgot he lives here.” Eve said quickly as Aidan stepped out of the apartment. He was only wearing a pair of flannel pajama bottoms. He looked gorgeous with his hair wildly hanging in his face. He looked like he had just woken up. Natalie couldn’t help but wonder if he had another girl in there already, she tried not to think about it as she looked away from him.

  “Hey, hold up.” Aidan called out and Natalie sighed heavily.

  “Hey, I’m not really in the mood right now, got a bunch of things going on. So, if you could just mind your own damn business.” Natalie said a bit rudely and he was taken off guard by her sudden attitude change.

  “Damn ok then.” He said as she spun and continued to walk. “ I know what case he is on by the way.” He said as Natalie stopped now and rushed over to him. “ I mean if you don’t really want the information.” He said as she s

  “How do you even know who we are talking about?” She said sarcastically as she stood there.

  “I think everyone heard you, the walls are paper thin here but that is besides the point. I know what case your brother is working but it is confidential so.” He began as she huffed loudly.

  “Confidential my ass.” She snapped angrily. She wasn’t in the mood for games.

  “From earlier today your ass is definitely not confidential.” He smirked some as Eve’s eyes got wide and she looked at Natalie who began to flush some.

  “Yeah that’s enough, what do you know?” She said quickly. She didn’t want to rehash their sex romp, not in front of Eve at least.

  “I’m sorry but did you both, you know?” Eve said with a smirk.

  “Seriously Eve!” Natalie snapped and then looked at Aidan. “We have to go.” Natalie turned from him. She would get her information another way. She had contacts that could tell her everything.

  “Wait, I’m coming too.” Aidan said as he ran back into his apartment.

  “Damn it today is becoming one big shit show!” Natalie snapped as she began to walk away.

  “Aren’t we going to wait for him?” Eve said quickly.

  “Hell no!” Natalie said seriously.

  “Oh my god you did sleep with him!’ Eve said in shock as Natalie kept walking. “Was it just as you remembered? Did he kick you out afterwards?” Eve asked with curiosity. Natalie was wishing now that she had never even let Eve know about Aidan in the first place.

  “Ok so yeah maybe we slept together, and I left on my own, end of story. I am worried about Sam so could focus on that and instead of on my sex life.” Natalie said with annoyance.

  They got to Natalie’s car as Aidan came running over. “ Oh no, I didn’t say you were coming.” Natalie shook her head at Aidan.

  “I wasn’t asking for permission but if you want help getting Sam then you are going to want me to come along.” Aidan said as he opened her car door and he got in.

  “I guess he is coming along.” Eve shrugged her shoulders, but she had a smirk on her face.

  Natalie rolled her eyes as she got into the car. Aidan was in the passenger seat up front. She looked over at him. He had a huge grin on his face. She stared straight forward.

  “Ok fine but I’m in charge here.” Natalie said quickly as he grinned.

  “Ok sweetheart, you’re in charge.” He smirked, and she rolled her eyes at him. “Head over to Ruby’s bar on central.” Aidan said as she looked at him.

  “Ruby’s bar?” She said with confusion.

  “Trust me, Ruby’s bar.” He said as he leaned back in the seat. She took off for the bar, it was only a few blocks away. No one said anything as she drove. She pulled up to the bar and Aidan quickly got out, so did the girls.

  “I know he isn’t at a bar.” Natalie said quickly as Aidan looked at her.

  “I never said he was, just trust me for once.” He said as he began to walk inside.

  “So, you two aren’t speaking again?” Eve said quickly as Natalie rolled her eyes.

  “I don’t even want to talk about it.” Natalie said honestly.

  “Well I am just saying that maybe if you two talk it out.” Eve began as Natalie looked at her.

  “Nothing to talk about ok. End of story lets focus on Sam.” Natalie said as they stepped inside. The place was almost empty except for a few people. Aidan walked up to the bar and said something to the bar tender who pointed towards stairs. He walked to them and so did Natalie and Eve.

  “What was that all about?” Natalie said to Aidan as he glanced at her.

  “Don’t worry your pretty head over it, follow me.” He said as she huffed.

  “I don’t like games.” She said as he stopped on the stairs and turned to face her.

  “For once can you just not say anything?” He said as he looked at her and she rolled her eyes. “Better, come on.” He said as they got to the top of the stairs and then he walked over to one of the closed doors. It was quiet as he knocked and then he knocked again. He looked at the girls and put his finger up to make sure they stayed quiet. He turned the handle on the door slowly and it creaked. The room was dark except for a small lamp on but the room definitely wasn’t empty because a large man laid on the bed. His feet hung off of it and his frame was massive. He was also absolutely a hundred percent naked.

  “Jesus now that is one hell of a man!” Eve said loud as the guy shot up from the bed now. His long black hair cascading down his back as he grabbed a gun from under the pillow and aimed it at them.

  “So much for keeping quiet.” Aidan huffed.

  “Aidan? What the hell?” The tall man said as he rubbed his eyes and then looked at the girls. “Oh, hello ladies.” He grinned proudly as Natalie looked anywhere but at him.

  “Hey.” Eve said with an appreciative smile as she stared at his obvious enormous erection.

  “Seriously man, put something over that thing. I can’t talk to you like that.” Aidan turned around quick as he stared up at the ceiling.

  “I for one think that you are a god.” Eve said as she stepped in front of Natalie and grinned.

  “Well hey there you little spit fire.” The man grinned at her and her eyes lit up. “I suppose I should get dressed.” He smirked as he grabbed a pair of jeans from the floor and Eve watched him the entire time as he got dressed. “So, Aidan what’s up?” The man began and then he looked at the girls as he got his jeans on. He was like seven feet tall. It was incredible to see. “ I’m Dante by the way.” He outstretched his large hand to Eve who took it right away. He moved it to his mouth as he kissed it seductively and she giggled like a school girl.

  “I’m sorry can we just skip the introductions. Why are we here?” Natalie snapped with annoyance as everyone looked at her.

  “Pardon my friend here, her brother is missing, and she is a bit pissy about it.” Eve said with a smile.

  “Your brother?” Dante began.

  “Sam, he has taken off to find the book of the dead.” Aidan said quickly as Natalie spun and looked at him.

  “The book of the what? No, why would he do that? “ Natalie said in shock. She knew about the book of the dead. It was like the root of all supernatural life and the location of the book was hidden because it needed to stay that way. She didn’t want Sam looking for that. He would get killed!

  “Sammy is looking for the book?” Dante began.

  “You know my brother?” Natalie said in shock. She was starting to feel like people had been hiding things from her when it came to Sam, though she had been wrapped up in her own shit to pay much attention.

  “Of course, he is a little shit but loyal as hell.” Dante grinned as he looked at Eve. “You are sexy as hell, you know, that right?” He winked at Eve.

  “I could give you a more private showing if you want.” Eve grinned.

  Natalie spoke before anyone could. “Could we please all just focus, how the hell does he know my brother!”

  “Listen there is a lot you don’t know about Sam.” Aidan began as Natalie rolled her eyes. “ He has been training for this for months.”

  “Yeah ok, I know my brother and he isn’t training for nothing except for Xbox games.” She said sarcastically.

  “Think whatever you want about Sam, but that kid has got heart. I once watched him knock down a guy who was a foot taller than him. He is a fast-little bastard!” Dante laughed some.

  “Listen I think you guys are confusing my brother with someone else.” Natalie began as Aidan looked at her.

  “Hey, you might be in denial about your brother, but Dante is telling the truth. The kid can kick some serious ass.” Aidan began.

  “He could barely hit a punching bag. Seriously how would you even know.” She said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes at him.

  “Because I trained him.” Aidan said as Natalie laughed and shook her head, but Aidan was just standing there. Her eyes got wide.

  “You were what?
No. No, your not allowed to be around my brother!” She snapped as she looked at Aidan.

  “Yeah well he is a grown man and is able to make his own decisions.” Aidan said seriously.

  “I’m sorry but you just got back to town ok. So, don’t give me some bullshit story!” She snapped.

  “This one is a bit of a bitch, huh?” Dante laughed as Natalie shot him a nasty look.

  “I don’t know what kind of game your trying to play here.” Natalie snapped at Aidan as she ignored Dante’s remark.

  “I’ve been back for six months.” Aidan blurted out and Natalie blinked in shock, had she heard him wrong. Six months?

  “What?” Natalie said in shock. He had been there for six months and he was secretly training her brother! She was incredibly pissed as she stood there but what got her more pissed was that he was there for six months and had not even tried to see her? Not that she cared!

  “I was going to tell you earlier but then, you know one thing lead to another.” Aidan said.

  Eve cut him off. “I knew it, you two screwed! Holy shit!” Eve laughed.

  “Eve!” Natalie snapped angrily.

  “Totally makes sense now, all the sexual tension in the room and what not.” Dante smirked.

  Natalie didn’t even know what to say as she huffed and stormed out of the room.

  “Give me a second.” Aidan said as he took off after her and Eve looked at Dante.

  “Speaking of sexual tension.” Eve grinned as she looked over Dante’s body.

  Natalie got to the bottom of the stairs as she heard Aidan coming after her. “Can you just hold up for a minute!” He yelled as she stopped and faced him now.

  “Who the hell do you think you are? Training my brother!? And here I thought my Uncle was the only bad guy.” She said sarcastically.

  “Your brother is not a child anymore, Natalie.” Aidan said with a lowered voice.

  “Don’t talk to me like you know my brother!” She snapped.

  “I do, I know him well. Maybe if you took a second not to be so god damn selfish you would have seen this too.” Aidan said as her hand came up and slapped in hard on the side of the face.