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The Fallen Page 2

  “Everyone needs back up Nat.” He said softly this time as she grabbed her helmet and put it on.

  “Not me.” She said as she revved the engine and then took off as a cloud of smoke was left in her wake.

  Chapter Two

  Natalie got to headquarters which was a large building in the middle of a run-down car factory. It was the perfect front for their organization. The building had apartments and a large cafeteria inside of it. Most of the team stayed there but some stayed outside of the building, especially Natalie who liked her privacy. The rest of the human population was unaware of what was right under their noses. Murders and deaths were hidden in plain sight. With the economy around the world falling apart and wars breaking out in different countries over oil and religion there was enough to keep the public at bay.

  She walked with a mission right into her Uncles office and he looked up as he talked on the phone. She stood with her hands on her hips as he put the call on hold and then looked at her. She spoke before he could say anything. “Why did you send James out there? I told you that he was hovering too much and yet you send him to look after me?” She snapped angrily.

  “Natalie, I don’t know why you always do this. No one is supposed to go out solo, ok. I’m sorry that you chose to have a relationship with him and now it’s gone sour. He still works here. You should have thought about that before you went out with him to begin with.” He said seriously.

  “Wow, really?!” Natalie began to pace.

  “Listen its not the best situation but it’s what we have right now.” Her uncle said with a shake of his head.

  “You never send Sam out with anyone watching him.” She said with a roll of her eyes.

  “I absolutely do. Listen I’m busy and if you just came in here to bitch and complain then you will have to do it at another time. Right now, there are pressing matters at hand.” He said sternly. She huffed as she stood there. “If you really want to help me then let me do my job without having to worry about you.”

  “Oh, I never said you had to worry about me. You do that all by yourself.” Natalie said angrily as she walked to the door.

  “You know it wouldn’t hurt for you to talk to Craig. He is always here to listen and give advice.” He said as he looked at her.

  “Oh, so now I need a shrink, no thanks. Just let me do what I do best and keep James away from me!” She stepped out of the room and she immediately saw enemy number one walking down the hall. She didn’t hide the rolling of her eyes. It was Aidan, a well-known vampire that worked closely with their team, but he was self-absorbed narcissist. Natalie knew him all to well. It was a bottle of fire ball whiskey that made her end up in his bed. The worst mistake of her life and he made sure to taunt her every time he saw her.

  One-year prior

  She hated this time of year. The holidays always made her feel like shit and what better way to numb it all then to get piss ass drunk and screw someone. This particular night she was at the local bar across town called Joey’s Pub. Christmas was right around the corner and so was her birthday. She hated that the death of her parents fell on her birthday. It was a constant reminder that she was yet another year older and they were still dead.

  She drank a second shot of fire ball as she shook her head. It burned going down, but it was a good burn. A burn that told her that tonight she wasn’t going to feel a damn thing. She poured another shot as she kept the bottle in front of her.

  “Trying to forget or trying to die?” The familiar voice of a local vampire named Aidan said as he walked up next to her. Aidan was attractive, like all the other immortals that had the looks of a model. Aidan looked more rugged though, he had long black hair that was basically a long mohawk with the sides shaved. He had a beard that was kept well. His face had an eyebrow piercing and his ears were pierced. He had a ridiculous amount of tattoos on his well sculpted body. He looked more like a werewolf then a blood sucker. His frame was big and bulky. He was tall and strong. When she had first met him, she had thought he belonged to the wolves. He definitely wasn’t the typical vampire look even though his skin was quite pale not that you could see much of it with all the tattoos on it.

  He was a player and a seducer. Everyone knew of Aidan. He worked along side her team and he was good at his job, but he was also arrogant and obnoxious at times. Thankfully she already had a few shots in her so that she could tolerate him.

  “How about just drinking alone and planning on keeping it that way.” She said sarcastically to him as she drank back her shot and he reach for the bottle, but she grabbed it. “I’m sorry what part of I’m drinking alone did you not understand Aidan. Go find someone else to mess with tonight.” She turned herself so that she had her back to him.

  “Another bottle of whiskey.” He called out to the bartender and she huffed as she grabbed her shot glass and bottle. She moved to a table as she sat down. She saw him walking over and she rolled her eyes. “You know your eyes tell a different story then the one your spewing.” He raised an eyebrow and sat across from her.

  “What can I help you with Aidan, apparently my look of disgust is confusing to you.” She poured another shot.

  “Disgusting? Really? Ouch.” He grinned as he poured himself a shot. “What shall we toast to?” He said as she rolled her eyes. He was too damn good looking for his own good, but it was his eyes that almost did her in. They were so blue, like tiny pools of an endless ocean. “How about a night to remember?” He smirked, and she rolled her eyes more.

  “You know I am sure there is some poor sap of a girl somewhere ready to drop her panties for you.” She said sarcastically. It was no secret that Aidan got around. It was like he had a new girl every week.

  “Oh, I know but what is the fun in that. I sort of like the cat and mouse thing.” He winked at her.

  “Oh, is that what you think this is?” She laughed some.

  “Yep but in the end, I always get what I want.” He grinned as he took another shot.

  “Not even if you were the last blood sucker on this earth.” She said with a roll of her eyes.

  Natalie walked up to him in the hallway as he smiled. “Look what the cat drug in.” She said sarcastically to him and he grinned big.

  “Nice to see you too Natalie. It’s been too long.” He smirked.

  “Not long enough actually. Weren’t you in Germany?” She raised an eyebrow.

  “Have you been stalking me?” He grinned.

  “Oh, you wish!” She laughed. “Later.” She walked past him, but he reached out and grabbed her wrist lightly.

  “You should stop by my place later. Could make an interesting night.” He said as she pulled her arm back from him.

  “No thanks once was enough. Have fun in town.” She walked past him, and he grinned as he watched her walk away. She was damn hot, and she would be in his bed tonight. He would make damn sure of it. His mind went to the one and only time she ended up in his bed. It had been a year prior. They were both wasted and yet he remembered every delicious detail. He got called on a mission shortly after, but his mind never forgot what it was like to have her under him and on him. Just thinking about it now made him hard as a rock.

  “Jesus man settle down.” One of the other guys in the building said with a laugh as he walked past Aidan and glanced at his apparent erection.

  Aidan quickly adjusted himself in his pants and then went to his bosses office.

  Natalie turned the corner in the hallway, but her mind was on that damn night from a year ago. She had to give it to him, he was damn good in bed.

  One-year prior

  Natalie’s back hit into the wall as his mouth attacked hers. With her legs wrapped around Aidan’s waist it was impossible to not feel his straining erection.

  His tongue did things to her mouth that made her toes tingle. He moved her from the wall as they fell onto a bed. Within seconds clothes were bring torn off and tossed across the room. Aidan’s hands roamed over her body before he pulled her up against him. Th
eir mouths attacked each other again and then he was entering her hard and fast. His size took her by surprise as she yelled out in pleasure. His body rocked against hers powerfully and it literally took her breath away as he flipped them over so that he was on his back and she was riding against him.

  His hands reached up and grabbed her breasts as she moved against her. Her body was shaking as the wave of her orgasm took over. She cried out as he grabbed onto her hips and moved her hard against him. He felt too good. She could barely stand it as wave after wave of an orgasm ripped through her body.

  The sound of his grunts and moans filled the room as well as hers but then he was flipping them again. He was on top of her again as his mouth collapsed onto her as he ground himself deep inside of her. His orgasm came hard and fast.

  “Earth to Natalie? Do you even hear me?” Natalie’s best friend Eve said as Natalie shook the images out of her head.

  “Yeah sorry, it’s been a long night so far.” Natalie lied as Eve shook her head.

  “Yeah I heard that James came to your rescue.” She smirked, and Natalie rolled her eyes. ”You know he is a love-sick puppy, just put him out of his misery already.” She laughed.

  “I don’t know how else to put him out of misery. I avoid him and ignore him. He is relentless.” Natalie said seriously.

  “Listen I would take him off your hands, but I’ve been talking to someone.” Eve smirked.

  “Do tell, It’s not Connor again is it?” Natalie said with a smirk. The only person she felt like she could be herself around was Eve and sometimes Sam but mostly it was Eve. They had met when she began training with her Uncle. Eve had been a witness to murder while in the foster system. Natalie’s Uncle had found her on the street at sixteen. She had run away from yet another foster home and was living on the streets. He took her in. He saw something in her. Something strong and he was right. Eve could kick some serious ass. She was tall and thin but strong as hell. Her hair was extremely short except for her long bangs. Every week she had a different hair color, this week it was bright blue.

  “Connor? Oh no way he got too weird for me, now I’ve been talking to this wolf name Dylan. God he is hot, like smoldering not to mention he is like an animal in bed.” Eve laughed.

  “Well technically he is.” Natalie smirked.

  “Gotta love them wolves, they know how to screw!” Eve laughed and so did Natalie. “By the way I heard that a certain someone is back in town.” Eve said with a raised eyebrow.

  Natalie rolled her eyes. “Yeah I saw that.”

  “Oh? You saw him already? And?” Eve asked quickly.

  “And nothing. I’m not even going to see him this time around.” Natalie said quickly and now Eve laughed.

  “Yeah ok. You said yourself that he was hot in bed.” Eve smirked.

  “I did not.” Natalie said with a shake of her head.

  “Who’s hot in bed?” Aidan said as he walked over to the girls and smirked.

  “Speak of the devil himself.” Eve said with a laugh. “By the way good job on case in Germany, I heard you got that whole rogue pact in order.”

  “Why thank you Eve, see how that is done Natalie. You should take some pointers from Eve here. A simple thank you goes so far.” He said as he sat down at the table with them. He leaned into Natalie’s dish and grabbed a French fry as she swatted his hand away, but he got a fry anyways.

  “I thought you don’t eat.” Natalie said sarcastically.

  “Eh? What can I say I like fries.” He smirked.

  “You know what Natalie likes?” Eve said with a grin.

  “Don’t encourage him.” Natalie rolled her eyes.

  “Oh, I know what she likes.” He winked at Natalie who rolled her eyes. “Come on I know you missed me.” He grinned.

  “You know, it’s best to just ignore him and he will go away.” Natalie said sarcastically to Eve who now rolled her eyes.

  “You two need to just kiss and make up.” Eve stood up now as Natalie looked at her. “I will catch you later.” She said as she walked off. Natalie stood now too.

  “So, should we kiss and make up here or at my place?” Aidan grinned as he stood.

  “Not even in your wildest dreams. “ Natalie turned from him.

  “You know you hurt my feelings Natalie.” He called out and she put her middle finger up as she walked from him, but she couldn’t help the smile on her face.

  Aidan watched her walk away and he grabbed out his phone. He dialed a number and it rang. Natalie stopped walking as she looked at her phone. She rolled her eyes as she answered the phone.

  “So, was that a yes or no about meeting up with me?” Aidan asked, and she rolled her eyes.

  “That would be a no but thanks for asking.” She laughed and went to hang up, but he spoke again.

  “You know we could do a little phone sex.” He smirked, and she turned and looked at him from across the room.

  “You do know that people can hear you right?” She laughed.

  “What was that? You want to be spanked Natalie!” He yelled out as people in the cafeteria turned and looked at him as her eyes got wide.

  “Your insane!” She said in shock.

  “Oh, baby you make me so hard!” He yelled out dramatically as some people laughed and then they looked at her as she spun around. “Oh, that’s right baby, I hate to watch you leave but I love to watch you go!” He called out and she shook her head.

  “Your out of your mind!” She laughed as she kept walking.

  “Meet me in five minutes.” He said as he hung up and she spun and looked at him, but he was already walking away. He was crazy if he thought she was meeting him anywhere!

  A few minutes later Natalie was standing at his apartment. She couldn’t believe she had even gone there and the second she got to the door she shook her head. She was stupid for being there. The last time they had ended up together he had been so god damn rude to her afterwards. He basically kicked her out while girl number two stood in the hallway waiting for him. She was another vampire bitch by the name of Alexandria. She was such a smug bitch too that Natalie almost knocked her out, but she was too pissed to even do that. And now she was back at his door. She felt stupid as she shook her head and internally cursed at herself as she spun around.

  The door opened, and she stopped. “Leaving? But you just got here?” He said as she spun around. He stood in the door way completely naked and erect. His muscles had muscles. She blinked in shock as she looked at his sculpted body. He grinned as he reached out to her arm and pulled her into the doorway. God, she hated that she felt completely compelled by him. Before she could protest he had pulled her inside his apartment and shut the door as his mouth attacked hers.

  They kissed wildly as he pushed her back against the wall. His erection pushed into her stomach as he ground his body against hers. She was beyond turned on as her hands ran through his long hair. The contrast of the shaved sides and his long mohawk had her fingers tingling not to mention his beard was rough against her mouth. He used his hands to pull off her shirt and push down her jeans. He hadn’t even got her clothes all the way off as he spun her body around so that her chest was flush with the wall. He entered her from behind with a deep grunt as he filled her deliciously. She cried out as he kept one hand wrapped around her waist and the other in her hair as he yanked against it and roughly nipped the back of her neck.

  He had been waiting for this moment for almost a year. To be inside of her again, it was everything he had thought it would be. The last time they had been together it had ended badly but it wasn’t his fault that his new undercover partner had showed up at a bad time. He had a big case that he had been heading to. Sure, he had slept with Alexandria but that had been years ago, these days she like the company of women anyways.

  He thrust into Natalie hard and fast. His release was coming soon, and he could feel hers about to erupt as well. He pulled from her body and spun her back around as she finally kicked off her boots and her jeans as he gra
bbed her and lifted her as he slammed her back into the wall. His mouth attacked hers as he entered her body. She cried out into his mouth as her orgasm took over. He grunted and pulled back from her mouth. His fangs descended painfully as he threw his head back. He looked incredibly sexy with his mouth open and his fangs were sharp and inviting. She knew what it felt like to be bit by a vampire. She had been bit once before by an old lover who was a vampire. The feeling was dangerous and euphoric.

  She grabbed his hair and shoved his mouth against her neck, inviting him to bite her. He resisted for a moment and then she cried out passionately. “Bite me!” She said as he thrusted continuously into her and then his fangs were sinking into her neck as his release came at the same time. He groaned against her flesh and he ingested her blood. He had never tasted her before and he was surprised at how sweet her blood was to him. Her body clenched around his and he had to force his mouth off of her. Her blood was unlike any blood he had ever tasted. His mouth immediately collided with hers in a passionate kiss as her body continued to clench against him.

  Chapter Three

  Natalie began to retrieve her clothes from the floor as she quickly got dressed. Aidan on the other hand walked naked into the kitchen and grabbed two beers from the fridge. He came back out in the living room as Natalie put her combat boots back on. She glanced up to see him standing there stark naked with a grin on his face and two beers in his hands. “Beer?” He asked as he held it out.

  Natalie couldn’t help but look at his growing erection and then at him. “You like being naked, don’t you?” She said with a shake of her head as she grabbed the beer from him. She was expecting him to kick her out right away like last time but this time she would leave before he had a chance. She downed the beer as he watched her with amusement.