SHIFTED: The midnight series Read online

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  Michaels property was on almost ten acres of land and he had told Briana that she could venture around but to stay within the limits of the land he had. She was fully aware that her mere existence could set someone off and she was not ready to have a full-on fight with a wolf, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to prepare herself if she needed to.

  Maria had explained some of the duties of the other wolves in the pack. Everyone mostly lived as humans did. They had jobs such as law enforcement, medical personnel and even an elite army that was in place incase things became chaotic. She also learned of the different packs and how certain members of the society would have arranged marriages. That was something she couldn’t get her mind around. It almost seemed barbaric though Maria had said that was how her and Michael got married, granted they had known each other from childhood but still. She wondered if that would happen to her, could it?

  Even though Briana’s world was turned upside down she wondered if she would be able to make something of herself here. She wanted to be able to contribute and she still loved the field of law enforcement. Maria had explained to her that when it came to certain roles in the pack that it all had to be approved by the elders. Most of all the supernatural beings were hand picked by the elders and given roles and titles. It all seemed a bit old world but obviously it was working.

  One week here and she was already noticing a change in her body. She felt stronger and it wasn’t just her appearance but in her soul. It was an odd feeling but one that she sort of liked. Back when she lived Sheppardsville, she was just your run of the mill girl looking to make something of herself. At that time, she just wanted a stable job, a good home and maybe a picket fence but now her choices were different and as much as she still hated John for what he had done. Well, part of her felt like maybe this was a second chance at a life that she would not normally have.

  Briana punched the bag in front of her as she tried to focus on just one thought. She didn’t have to go far to find a gym because Michael had a full one in the basement of his house.

  He really did have a beautiful house and an even more exquisite property that had a horse stable with four horses and a huge lake that she had only seen from a distance. Most of his property was heavily wooded but beautiful none the less. She hit the bag again as images of John came into her head. Damn it why couldn’t she just stop thinking about him! I mean it was obvious that he did not care even if he had saved her. She was convinced that he had saved her for more selfish reasons then selfless. She put her weight behind the punches. She had never trained for anything in her life, not that her body was lacking but she was soft, too soft. She threw a quick right jab and then she spun and kicked the bag hard. She wobbled as she nearly lost her balance.

  “Your stance is all wrong.” John’s voice startled her as she spun to see him standing in the doorway. He was dressed in long shorts and a white tank top. His hair pulled back in a pony tail. She hated that her body immediately reacted whenever he came around. It had been two days since she had even caught a glimpse of him and now that he was in the same room with her, all she wanted to do was run away but she didn’t. She rolled her eyes as she turned from him. She was not going to give him the satisfaction of a response.

  John was impressed at how well she was doing even though the air between them was ice cold. He had spent the last two days drinking away his worries and avoiding Ana who had come around looking for him at his place across town. No doubt she had heard he was back in town. She had sent him numerous text messages and he ignored them all, for now at least.

  His brother had kept him updated on Briana’s progress and she seemed to be transitioning very well, surprisingly enough. Standing in front of her now was tugging at him once more. What was it about this damn chick?

  Briana brought her attention back to the bag in front of her and she hit it once more. She could sense him still standing there and she huffed. “Do you need something?” She said with annoyance, but she refused to face him.

  “You look like your getting stronger.” He said as he walked across the room and grabbed another weight bag. “Michael said your sleeping better.” He continued as he hung the bag on a hook across the room from her.

  “Yeah well I’m doing wonderful actually, better than ever.” She said as she hit the bag once more and then again, but she had turned her fist some, hitting her wrist against the bag instead. “Damn it!” She yelled out as she held her wrist.

  John walked over to her and she stepped back. “Stay away from me.” She said quickly.

  “If you don’t get the stance right you’re just going to end up hurting yourself.” He continued to walk over to her.

  “You know what, I don’t need your help. Actually, I think you have helped me more than enough already.” She said sarcastically as she went to walk past him, but he reached out and grabbed her wrist that she was holding. “Ow, damn it, what are you doing. That hurts!” He used his hands to massage against her wrist and man did it feel good but she tried to protest. “You know you’re not helping.” She tried to pull her hand back, but he had a strong grip on it.

  “It would do you some good to stretch your body before you start punching things.” He began as she yanked her hand back now and rubbed her wrist as she stepped back from him.

  “You know I think I got this whole working out thing down pat.” She shook her head. “And why are you even here, don’t you have a pack to lead or something.”

  “I can actually go anywhere I please; whenever I please.” He said dryly, and she rolled her eyes at him.

  “Oh, great so an egomaniac too, surprising.” She said sarcastically as she turned from him.

  “I know that Maria explained to you how all of this works and it would be in your best interest to heed that.” John began as she spun and faced him now.

  “Listen buddy, you have single handedly destroyed my life, ok? So, you can take your way of doing things and shove it up your ass for all I care!” She snapped as she quickly began to leave. John sighed heavily. He was not good with conversations like this.

  “Ok fine. I was out of line.” John began as she stopped at the door. “I came by to talk to you.”

  Briana inhaled deep as she stood there. He said he came to talk to her. She tried not to overthink it, but her heart was racing. She wanted to kiss him again, hell she wanted to hit him too. She was so torn. “Fine, whatever.” She said nonchalantly.

  “First off I wanted to apologize for my behavior.” He said honestly, and she turned to face him now. “Things have been complicated the last few days to say the least.”

  “Complicated is one way to say it.” She shook her head as she stared at her wrist, oddly it felt better already.

  “Maria explained the rules and laws we all must followed, correct?” He began as Briana sighed heavily.

  “Yep hence why my family thinks I am dead.” She said with sadness in her voice.

  “You do understand now why I had to do that, right? There was no other way.” He began, and she let out a deep breath. “This isn’t just about you anymore. This entire pack, our entire way of life could be jeopardized if anyone found out. There are families, children, all of their lives at stake.” He said seriously.

  “I get it ok, I don’t have to like it, but I get it.” She said softly.

  He walked over to his punching bag and he hit it once as Briana stood by the doorway watching.

  There was just something about him. As much as she wanted to hate him, she just couldn’t. She watched as he hit the bag again. “Can you tell me about the stance?” She finally asked as he stopped hitting the bag. “Every time I hit the bag I always seem to be off by an inch or two plus it swings a lot.”

  “The biggest mistake that is made is punching the bag too hard. A good punch is more about skill, balance and your connection to the bag.” John said as he turned and faced her. “Hitting the bag hard might feel good but you will end up hurting yourself in the end. Strong, consistent and quick ja
bs are the way to go.” He began. “Stand in front of the bag.” He moved off to the side as Briana walked over to the bag and immediately went to strike it, but John stopped her. “Your stance is where the power is going to come from. You can’t be too stiff or too loose. You need to find a happy medium. “He said as he got himself into position. “Follow my lead.” He said as she nodded her head and copied his movements. “Keep your back straight and your core tight.” He continued. “Hit with your right fist then the left. A quick combination.”

  Briana hit the bag quickly and she immediately noticed the difference. “Wow, that didn’t even hurt.”

  “Continue.” He said as she hit the bag again and again. John walked back and forth as he watched her. She was pretty good for a beginner and she took direction well.

  Over the next thirty minutes John had showed her a couple different stances as well as different punches. She was pouring sweat not to mention her stress levels had reduced significantly and that was saying something considering how the entire week had gone. Something about John made her feel at peace even when she wanted to yell at him. She took two large gulps of her water as she watched John hit the bag over and over. He truly was a beautiful man. Watching him use his muscles was hypnotic not to mention the sweat glistening on his body was incredibly sexy. If someone would just give her a chair and possibly a margarita then she would be set. She could sit there and watch him work out for hours!

  “You know I could train you and get your body better prepared for the world.” He said as they finished a workout.

  Briana’s body felt sore and tired, but she smiled. “Ok, same time tomorrow?”

  “Same time.” He said as he dried the sweat off of his face with a towel.

  By the next day Briana found herself anxiously waiting for John to show up at his brother’s place. She had went back downstairs to the gym and she did a couple stretches as anticipation ran through her. The sound of the door opening made her stomach tighten and she tried to act unaffected. John made his way down the stairs and she glanced over at him. He looked incredible. It was almost like every time she saw him he looked better than the last. How was that even possible? He wore another pair of basketball shorts, and a black tank top that clung to his body.

  “I wasn’t sure if you were going to make it today after yesterdays workout.” John said seriously as he looked at her. Not that he was complaining about seeing her but yesterday he had pushed her a lot. He was curious to see what her limit was not to mention her body made his excited. He liked to be around her. She was different. Different was good.

  Briana rolled her eyes playfully even though at the moment her calf muscles and arms hurt something awful from the work out the day before. “Do you really think a little punching would affect me?” She said with a laugh.

  “Obviously not.” He smirked. “So, you really want to do this, you want me to train you? He asked seriously.

  “How else am I going to learn.” She smiled as she stretched her sore arms.

  “Today I thought we could try some self-defense. Sometimes all you need is a way to defend yourself and considering what is out there in the world today, well it is important to be able to take care of yourself.” He said honestly.

  “Ok, but I’m going to warn you. My dad had me take self defense classes since I was ten.” She smirked confidently. Since she had been the only child of her parents they were always worried about her safety and her father had put her in self defense classes not that it actually helped in a time of need.

  John rolled his eyes playfully now as he looked at her. “Ok, go on show me what you got.” He walked over to the cushioned mat that was on the floor. Briana walked over and stood on the edge of the mat.” So, I’m coming after you. You see me, what do you do?” He said as he quickly walked towards her and she thought quick as she balled up her fist and swung it at his face, but he grabbed her wrist. “You can’t go after the obvious, you will lose every time. Now let’s try again but this time move faster and use your hand to hit my throat. Plus, your short so use it to you advantage. Duck your head and go low.” He said as she put her hands on her hips.

  “Is my height an issue to you?” She said playfully as she rolled her eyes.

  “No, it’s fine, sort of like a munchkin from The Wizard of Oz.” He smirked some.

  “Hey! I will let you know that I am very proud of my five-foot three height and the only reason I look so short is because your ungodly tall.” She laughed.

  “Are you sure your really five three, I don’t know about that.” He laughed a little and he had a nice laugh. A sexy laugh.

  “Oh, it’s on. I may be small, but I am fast like lightening!” She said as she ran at him and he went to grab her, but she ducked and swayed under his arm as she went to hit his throat, but he still somehow got her arm. He swung her around quick so that her back was against his chest. “Damn it, how the hell did you do that.” She said in shock.

  “I anticipated your move. You never let the attacker know what your thinking. Not only can he hear you, but your eyes give away so much. Try again.” He let go of her and she spun around. Just the mere innocent act of him holding her like that had her heart racing dangerously fast.

  Briana thought quick and then she kicked at him. Her foot hit into his stomach as she made contact but then he was grabbing her leg and spinning her hard as she fell ungracefully on the mat. He wasn’t holding back at all. She was a bit surprised as she looked up at him and he put his hand down to her. She reached for it and then used both of her legs to sweep his legs in a surprising move as he fell backwards onto his ass. He looked as shocked as she felt. It actually worked. She smiled proudly.

  “How’s that tough guy.” She laughed and then turned from him, but he had grabbed her leg and yanked her back. The next thing she knew he was tossing her on the mat as his fist rested against her throat and she gasped in shock.

  “Never ever turn your back on the enemy.” He said seriously as he quickly got up and pulled her up as well. “Your so-called self-defense classes taught you nothing.” He shook his head and she flushed with embarrassment. Damn he was good! “Let’s start with a few simple positions for self-defense.” He began. “Ok I’m going to grab your wrist, like so.” He said as he grabbed her left wrist. “Now your first instinct will be to pull it back or to try and hit me, but neither will work.” He said as he pulled her arm and she tried to yank it back. It did move but he still had a grip on her arm. She tried to use her other hand to hit him, but he positioned his body so that no matter how she tried to hit him with the other hand, he was just out of reach.

  “Wow this is hard.” She said honestly as she looked at him. He literally towered over her. He seemed even bigger when he was just inches from her. It was hard to concentrate.

  “It’s only difficult because you are going at it the wrong way. So, when I grab your wrist I want you to put your legs shoulder length apart and bend at the knees, that way you keep your center grounded.” He began as she did just that. “Good now instead of pulling your arm back your going to bend your elbow so that your forearm comes up and touches mine.” He finished as she did just that but much to her surprise as her elbow came up his grip was broken, and her eyes got wide. “See that, it doesn’t matter how big or strong your enemy is. If you do this move it will absolutely free your wrist. Let’s try again.” He said as he grabbed her wrist again and she moved her elbow up, freeing it but then his other hand came up and grabbed her arm as he yanked her close. “Never underestimate your attacker.” He let go of her arm.

  “Ok again.” She said as she got in her stance and John grinned. She was getting good at this. He grabbed her wrist and she moved her elbow up, freeing her wrist but this time she anticipated his other hand. She hit against his other arm with her forearm and then she grabbed his wrist and quickly she spun behind him. Locking his arm behind his back.

  “Nice but.” He began as he quickly bent forward and before she knew it she was being flipped over h
im. She braced for her body to hit the mat, but John held her just inches from the ground as she gasped. “I think you are getting the hang of it.” He said as he pulled her upwards. For a few seconds they were incredibly close, and his hand was on her arm. She almost thought that he may try and kiss her, but he quickly let go of her arm as he walked past her and grabbed his water bottle. “The next move is being attacked from behind.” He said as he sipped the water.

  Briana grabbed her water bottle and sipped it too. She took the opportunity while they were drinking to ask him a few questions. Mainly about the numerous tattoos he had on his body. She had none. Emma her best friend had tried to convince her to one on her 18th birthday but she had chickened out at the last second. “So what sort of design is that tattoo on your arm.” She said as she pointed to his left upper arm and the tattoo that looked odd. It almost resembled a sign of some sort.

  “Oh this? He said as he looked at his arm. “It’s my pack’s crest. Were known as the midnight pack. There is a moon and clouds as well as the date I became an Alpha, officially.” He said seriously as she walked over to him.

  “It’s a beautiful tattoo.” She began and then confusion crossed her. “You didn’t know you were an Alpha? I thought you are born that way.”

  “Well yes and no.” He began as he took a seat on the bench and she did too. “Being Alpha isn’t just about being born into it. Yes, my dad was an Alpha so technically since I am older than Michael I would be next in line when my father passed but it’s more than a title. It’s an entire lifestyle, one that I have spent my entire life trying to live up to. It’s strength in the mind and body but also it has a lot to do with asserting yourself and taking dominance over anything that can affect the pack.” He continued as she listened intently. It was different hearing this from John then it was hearing it from Maria. “So, once you hit a certain age, usually between eight and ten. You are sent to the council and Gregory, the wolf elder trains us and from that point he decides the pack order.”