SHIFTED: The midnight series Read online

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  She could hear something running. She could hear the crushing of the leaves and the powerful paws as they hit the ground. She finally saw a clearing in the distance and a small cabin. She ran for it, as fast as she could. What was happening to her? Where the hell was she??

  As she made her way through the clearing she couldn’t help but look behind her as she ran. She let out a scream when she saw the incredibly big and fast wolf running at her. She had never seen anything that big in her life! She wasn’t even sure if it was a wolf or not. As she got to the door of the cabin she rushed inside and closed the door. It was pitch black inside and she couldn’t even see her hand in front of her face. She walked slowly as she used her hand to feel everything in the room. She could feel a wood table and a few chairs. The windows were boarded up good, it let no light in at all. She walked more as she slid her hand against the wall until she hit a door knob. She turned the door and it creaked loud. She heard a loud growl from outside the cabin and she quickly went into the room and closed the door. She felt around and immediately knew it was the bathroom. She tried to find a window but there was none. A loud crash startled her as she quickly backed up until her back hit the wall. Her breathing was so heavy that she could barely concentrate on anything else. She heard movement as she put her hand over her mouth and she forced herself not to scream or cry but then the door knob was turning, and she gasped as she slid down the wall and held her knees to her chest.

  The door opened, and she closed her eyes tight. She wanted to wake up from this nightmare. She didn’t want to be there anymore! She felt a hand touch her arm and she let out a scream.

  “Hey, hey its ok. Your ok.” Maria said with wide eyes as she looked at Briana who was now sitting straight up on the couch as she looked around with confusion and fear.

  “Where am I? What’s going on?” Briana began to hyperventilate as she looked around the Livingroom. Where the hell was she? She glanced down at her arm that had an IV in it. “What is this?” She said with a shaky voice and then images came flooding back to her. She saw the blue-eyed man. The one with the large fangs and then a wolf! Was she going crazy? She looked at this strange brown-haired woman who was very pregnant. “Who are you?” Briana looked at the woman who seemed just as shocked as she was then Briana remembered the green-eyed guy. Was he there too? Did he have something to do with this? Briana felt nauseous as she sat there.

  “You shouldn’t move, you’ve been through a lot” Maria said softly.

  “I don’t feel good” Briana said as she rubbed her forehead. “I don’t understand.” Her voice trailed as she rubbed her forehead.

  “I’ll get you some tea, just don’t get up ok.” Maria said as he hurried out of the room and Briana looked around the Livingroom some more. Her head hurt bad and she had a bad taste in her mouth. She wondered if she was dreaming, was she? Her hand moved down her face and towards her neck where a bandage was now taped to the side of her neck. Images of green eyes and that beautiful face filled her mind as she held her neck.

  Maria hurried back in the room with a tea cup in her hand. She stopped as she saw Briana touching the bandage on her neck. She swallowed hard. She was surprised that the girl even made it this far. The last time she heard of any human transitioning without complications was over twenty years ago and it was more of a myth then anything. “Here, sip slowly.” Maria said as she handed her the cup now. Briana inspected the cup before cautiously taking it. “I’m um, my name is Maria and you don’t me and well I don’t know you either.” Maria began to shake her head with confusion as Briana looked at the tea in the cup.

  Briana took a sip of the warm liquid as she looked at Maria. “I um, I don’t really know what is going on. I um “Briana began to ramble. “I’m Briana” She finally said softly. “How did I get here and where exactly is here?” Briana asked as she sipped the warm beverage. Her mouth was so dry. She felt like she was dehydrated. Oddly enough she didn’t feel scared about Maria. Now the current situation was a bit alarming and her head was filled with so many crazy images that she didn’t know what to do with them. It was like an overload of information. Confusing information.

  “Um yeah about that, Your um in Pennsylvania, over by Lake Erie.” Maria said with a nervous smile as Briana’s eyes got wide.

  “That’s like over two hours away from where I live. How did I…” Her voice trailed as images came into her mind. She saw him, John Doe. Her eyes got wide. “Is he... Is he here? Did he bring me here?” She asked as her stomach turned, and she immediately put her hand on it as pain shot through it.

  “You should rest, I don’t have any good answers for you.” Maria said honestly.

  “Oh god why does it hurt so bad. What’s happening to me?” Briana said as she doubled over in pain and cried out.

  “It’s ok, I will give you something to take the edge off.” Maria said as she ran to the bag that held medication and she quickly took out a vial of morphine and a syringe. She wasn’t a nurse by any means, but she had seen her husband help people enough to know how things worked. She filled the needle and quickly put it in the IV as Briana cried out in pain, but her cries soon became whimpers and those whimpers finally ceased altogether as she fell asleep once more. Maria looked at her cell phone and she texted Michael to hurry the hell up and come back home. She watched Briana lay on the couch and she wondered if the girl would even survive? Only time would tell at this point but one thing she definitely knew was that her husband better hurry up and get home so they could get this situation figured out.

  Chapter Five

  John stood in front of the council as they soaked in the information he gave them. He had not left out any details as he retold how he came to be standing in front of them at this moment. This had not been the first time he stood before them like this. The last time was right after Kate was killed. He had gone to the council and begged for them to interrogate the nearby blood suckers, but they had refused his type of interrogating. They said that he was too emotionally connected to the case and that he was not allowed to bring justice into his own hands. They had explained that the council was already investigating the case and he was to not be involved. They were too worried about another war breaking out to do what really needed to be done. It was pure bullshit and after months of waiting for them to do their job as leaders, well needless to say that he took matters into his own hands.

  He knew that vampires liked to brag, and he was sure that sooner or later he would be pointed in the right direction, but that input came much faster than he had anticipated. John was well known in the Supernatural world. He was the one who went after the rogues who threatened all of their way of life. He also knew that when there was one rogue, there was more. His lead had sent him into a neighboring town at a local hang out for the Supernatural world. It was a place like many others that welcomed the other worldly. It was a place where they could be themselves and humans were strictly forbidden inside. That was where John met a vampire by the name of Dario. He was a bottom feeder who would sell his own children for money if he had any. He had loyalty to no one but the highest bidder, but he also liked to run his mouth a lot. Even though he didn’t live the most respectful life, he also didn’t endanger others, so his lifestyle wasn’t touched by the authorities.

  The day he went and made a visit with Dario had started out like any other day except this would end with John nearly dying. The underground club was packed, and John hated these places. It was like the lowest of the low ended up here. The music was thumping through the place as he entered it. Immediately he saw all sorts of naked bodies. The mingling of species was open here, any other place it would definitely be frowned upon. He walked up to the bar and looked around for the man of the hour. It didn’t take long for him to see a group of barely dressed human girls hanging all over Dario on the couch across the room. He moved over there on a mission as Dario looked up as he came up to him. “John, what a surprise.” Dario said with worry and a bit of shock. John was well known for his ruth
less behavior and his not giving a shit attitude. “Ladies were going to have to finish this up later.” Dario stood up as the girls looked John up and down before walking off. “Let me get you a drink, is it still whiskey on the rocks?” Dario smiled nervously as he waved over one of the waitresses.

  “I see your still touching the forbidden fruit.” John said dryly as Dario smiled nervously.

  “And as you can see they all still have their heart beat, I mean what’s a little fun between friends?” Dario grinned nervously.

  John rolled his eyes, he honestly could care less what Dario did. He wasn’t anyone to worry about, fairly harmless. More of a trouble maker then anything else. “I don’t want a drink.” John shooed away the waitress as she came over and Dario swallowed hard.

  “But you look tense. I have the perfect girl for you.” Dario quickly looked around.

  “I don’t want any of your god damn pets!” John snapped as Dario’s eyes got wide and John got closer to him. “What I want is information about a recent murder.” John said as he fixed Dario’s collar on his shirt.

  “You know I don’t meddle in any of that shit John, I’m insulted honestly.” Dario began as John growled at him. “I swear I haven’t heard anything. “Dario swallowed hard.

  “It was a couple months ago, a pregnant woman.” John tried to show no emotion as he spoke.

  Dario’s eyes got wide. “Now I know a lot of sick people but to go after a pregnant woman, we are not animals John.” Dario said sincerely. John didn’t trust a lot of people, but he trusted his gut and his gut was telling him that Dario was being truthful. John ran a hand through his hair before turning around and walking away. “Maybe next time you will have that drink.” Dario called out as John kept walking. He got outside the club and inhaled deep. All he kept hitting was dead ends.

  “I may have heard something about a mother to be.” A woman’s voice came from the shadows as John turned and watched a long-legged woman step out from the alley next to the club. She had long jet-black hair that cascaded down her back. Her clothes were equally black and form fitting, but she wasn’t a vampire, no not at all but she wasn’t entirely human either. Definitely a witch. John didn’t trust them. She licked her lips as she walked over towards him. Her eyes taking in his form. “You are strong not only in your body but your mind too.” She smiled at him as she reached out to touch his chest, but he grabbed her wrist before she could.

  “I’m not in the mood for small talk, tell me what you know.” He snapped at her and she pulled her hand back from him.

  “Your too tense, and you will make far too much of a scene. Follow me.” She said as she began walking down the street.

  John huffed with annoyance. “I don’t have time for this lady!” He called out.

  “Patience is a virtue sweetheart.” She called out as she turned to face him. She held a door open. “After you” She smiled at him.

  “You better not be wasting my time witch.” John said seriously as he stepped inside of an old book store. The place smelled of moth balls and dust. He picked up one of the dust covered books and immediately saw a spell book. The witch walked past him.

  “You don’t look like a spell book kind of guy.” She smiled as he put the book down.

  “Yeah well it doesn’t look like business has been good to you either.” He looked around at the empty store.

  “Not everything is what it seems.” She smiled as she waved him over as she got to a large bookcase. She pushed on it slightly and it opened like a door. “Sorry I like theatrics.” She grinned big as they both walked through the doorway.

  The doorway opened up to a room full of crystal balls, small clear containers with objects floating in them. He didn’t look too long to see what was floating. He was sure this place was full of ingredients for spells and other witch craft. The witches also had boundaries that they were not allowed to cross, and it had to do with taking away free will and sacrifices. He stopped to look at one crystal ball that had smoke swirling in it. He had to admit it was pretty convincing, but he also knew that witches could not be trusted. They were sneaky and put spells on unsuspecting people all the time.

  “You know if you look long enough you can see your own future.” The witch smiled as John looked away from it.

  “Your stuff is interesting and all but I’m not in the mood for games. Tell me what you know.” He snapped at her as she rolled her eyes. “I’m not kidding witch!”

  “My name is Selena, and like I said patience is a virtue.” She smiled at him.

  “How do I know your not just messing with me, I have a bit of a temper so don’t try anything stupid.” He said honestly.

  “I know what you are John and what you hold in a cage inside of you.” She smiled. “It’s pretty hot actually.”

  “Yeah well enough of this witchy business and tell me what you know.” He said sternly as she turned and smiled at him. She walked seductively over to him.

  “It would be wise to be respectful while in here Johnny, otherwise you could make the gods mad.” She reached out to touch his face and he grabbed her wrist.

  “I’m not in the mood and I’m giving you ten seconds to start talking before I tear this place apart and I will be starting with you!” He growled deep as he held onto her wrist and she swallowed hard. “So, start talking.”

  “Well so much for foreplay.” She smiled, and he tightened his grip on her wrist. “Ok, fine but you will owe me for this, one day I will come to collect.” She said quickly as he rolled his eyes.

  “Yeah fine, whatever.” He said as she smiled at him.

  “I overheard a few vampires talking the other day about how they killed a pregnant wolf and their payment was a ton of gold and immunity.” She began as John felt his blood pressure rising. Was Kate killed over some gold! The thought made him enraged. “There was three of them, but their orders had come from.” She began, and he cut her off.

  “Who are they, TELL ME!” He yelled as he yanked her close and growled.

  “But there is more, I. “She began but he didn’t care as he cut her off.

  “Tell me who they are god damn it!” He yelled. “Or I swear to god I will gut you myself!” His eyes were blazing with anger as she swallowed hard.

  “They run the strip club downtown called The Triple D.” She began as he pushed her away and quickly began to leave the store. “But it is not what it seems.” She called out, but he wasn’t listening as he took off to find the three vampires responsible. He would make them pay or he would die trying!

  John stared at the elders as Gregory spoke. “You went against every rule we have in place John. You put yourself in a role of authority in which you have no means. You were told to let us do our job and you went against the wishes of the council and now a human girl is mixed up in this, who you have attempted to turn without permission!” Gregory said with anger as he looked at John.

  “And what about the bloodsuckers who went out of their way to kill me. The same ones who had killed one of our own!” John snapped angrily.

  “Who made you judge and jury! I have heard enough, you obviously don’t care about your own kind not to mention others!” Jacob the elder vampire spoke loudly. “How are we supposed to keep the peace if you have men running around playing executioner!” He snapped towards Gregory.

  “I understand your anger and I am not only angered by this but embarrassed at the actions of my people.” Gregory began as John rolled his eyes. “We will meet in an hour to discuss your fate.” Gregory finished as all the elders got up and moved into another room as John stood there.

  “This isn’t good John, just play it cool ok. I mean its like your trying to get yourself killed here.” His brother Michael said as John looked at him.

  “At this point death would be welcoming.” John said seriously as he stood there.

  Chapter Six

  Briana’s eyes fluttered open as she tried to look around. She felt refreshed and odd. She was in a bedroom. A very large and heavil
y decorated bedroom. Everything looked hand crafted and spectacular. It was better than any hotel she had been in but where was she? She pulled the blankets from her body and saw that she was dressed in a long nightgown which definitely wasn’t hers. She glanced at her arm and the small band aid there. It was then that memories came crashing back and her heart began to race as she remembered important details. She remembered the crazy guy with the blue eyes who was strangling her. She couldn’t help but touch her neck as she remembered but then she felt the bandage and her mind went to the image of a large dog attacking the blue-eyed man. The images were blurry at best and confusing. She remembered green eyes, she remembered him. Where was she?

  She slowly got up out of the bed and her legs wobbled as she stood up. She felt different. She walked over to the large dresser that had a mirror on it and her eyes got wide as she took in her image. Her hair was wild and crazy as if she had partied all night. She wore a long light blue night gown with nothing underneath. Had someone changed her clothes? Fear began to race through her as she pulled at the bloodied bandage on her neck. What was happening to her? She pulled off the large bandage and she gasped at the area that looked like something had bit her. Her mind went to that large dog, had it bit her? The area didn’t hurt as she inspected it, actually it looked like it was nearly healed or in the last stages of being healed. How was that possible? She held the side of her neck as she walked around the room and opened all sorts of drawers and closets. They were all empty.